Are You Having a Crisis of Country?
If you haven’t had your crisis of country yet, it’s coming. Believe me.
We all have that moment. That moment we realise that our country is not the force for good in this world we have been told.
I call it a crisis of country.
If you haven’t had that moment yet, it’s coming. Believe me.
For me it was when I realised my country, “Great” Britain, was torturing the best journalist who has ever lived.
It’s quite difficult to believe your country is anything close to “Great” at all once you realise it’s been doing that for so many years.
When a crisis of country occurs, the shock of finding out you’ve been lied to your whole life about the entire history of your proud nation, can cause you to tailspin and react in a similar way to that of being diagnosed with a terminal disease.
These are the 5 stages of a crisis of country. If you haven’t had yours yet, or are currently experiencing it, or if a friend or family member is going through this crisis, understanding these stages will help.
Stage 1 – Denial
You “Can’t believe your country is doing that!” There’s “No way!” the entire mainstream media could have lied to you about all of that and in unison! That’s a crazy conspiracy theory! That independent media guy telling you that you’ve been lied to you about almost everything and that he’s been silenced for telling you the truth is just a crazy conspiracy theorist!
It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is that causes your crisis, the reaction will be the same.
And every time you check some basic facts, the truth will probably continue to horrify.
A person can stay a long time in stage one. Did your country really do that thing? Did they really do all that in your name and with your money? There’s a lot of stuff to check up on.
So, if you are currently still in stage one, let me save you some time.
Whatever the subject, the corporate media probably have lied to you in unison about it for years, your leaders probably did do that horrifying thing in your name and with money, and that person on social media screaming that they’ve been silenced for telling you the truth probably has been.
Once you can accept that, once you can accept there is no depths to the depravity, you’re ready for the next stage.
Stage 2 – Anger
Be careful with anger. It can get you in a lot of trouble.
Finding out your politicians and journalists are all liars for hire and maybe even pedophiles, too, can lead to some quite dark and destructive thoughts.
One of my friends ended up in prison during this stage just for something he said. Actually, he didn’t say what they say he said, but it didn’t matter. It was close enough to throw him in prison for years.
Fortunately, the worst that happened to me was Diane Abbott blocked me on Twitter.
Take breaks during this period. Lots of them. If your blood starts to boil take a breathe and a step back. Remember that you are right to be enraged by what you have discovered has been done in your name and that your children’s future’s have been put in such peril.
Understand that your anger is not really anger. It’s righteous indignation. You are right to be enraged. Your skin is crawling and your blood is boiling because that is the emotion you should be having right now.
You are absolutely correct in feeling the way you do, but try not to let your anger get the better of you.
Anger is the correct emotion because it is a useful one. Find a way to use your anger in a positive way. Use it as a fire that drives you, rather than consumes you.
At least that’s what helps me. That and weed. Weed helps a lot.
Stage 3 – Bargaining
“But, look at all the good stuff my country has done in the past!”, I hear you cry.
I hear this a lot from Israelis once you start asking them about their treatment of Palestinians. It’s an argument they them seem to think makes up for all their crimes.
No. Just because your “country” invented something or other that we all use in our phones, that does not make up for crimes against humanity and an ongoing illegal military occupation and system of Apartheid.
During this stage you may find yourself doing similar. You may find yourself defending the crimes of your country by reciting all the good things it has done historically back to any person reminding you of your country’s crimes. As if somehow one thing negated the other.
It doesn’t.
Neither does yelling, “Go and live in Russia if you like it so bloody much!” to any fellow Brit exposing the lies your government and media are telling about Ukraine.
It is natural for a person to want to protect and defend their country. I love my country. That is why I want to make it better. I want to help make it the best country in the world.
Wanting to make your country a better place is the most patriotic thing a person can want, but a patriotic person can become very depressed if they see their great country going to the dogs and nothing being done about it.
Stage 4 – Depression
I have been depressed at many times in my life. It’s something I’ve struggled with a lot in the past.
Fortunately, though, because of my past experience with depression, when I hit stage four of my crisis of country I already had the tools required to get myself out of it.
It takes hard work to be depressed. Depression begins with a negative thought. You have to have that negative thought and that negative thought fuels a negative emotion, and that negative emotion then manifests in a negative action (or inaction).
This leads to yet more negative thoughts, more negative emotions and more negative actions (or inactions) and the cycle continues. Before you know it, you feel like you’re rapidly spiraling through the seven circles of hell.
Positive thinking isn’t going to get you through this, though. That’s not going to be enough in my experience. Just reciting good things your country has done in the past will get you stuck in stage three. You’re going to have to make some changes to get through this stage.
Your food effects your mood. If you eat and drink shit, you’re going to feel like shit. Limit your consumption of depressants like alcohol and eat as healthy a diet as you can.
Adopt a regime of regular exercise. Regular exercise has found to be more effective against depression than any anti-depresant drug your doctor might throw at you.
Talk to your family and friends. Tell them how you feel. Connecting with other people during this stage is crucial to getting through it.
You might find they have been feeling exactly the same way as you.
There is no quick fix to depression. Being depressed may be hard work, but pulling yourself out of it is even harder.
Stage 5 – Acceptance
You are finally emotionally and physically ready to accept that your country is not the force for good in the world you thought it was!
You are ready to accept that those arguing with you, calling you a Putin puppet and asking how many Roubles you’re paid, are victims of lies and propaganda themselves. You understand they are most likely just having a crisis of country of their own, that they are going through a similar experience to one you’ve just been through.
You’re more patient than before. You’re ready to explain to them just why you’re not their enemy, and show them their enemies are the people who’ve treated them like mushrooms by keeping them in the dark and feeding them on bullshit for so long.
They’ve been doing to us all for our entire lives.
Let’s go fight those bastards together!
Love you brother and proud to fight alongside you.
Spot on, Gordon! Really well spoken, with a great rallying message to wrap it up.❤✊👏